Protection plan for crack screen only on your device at nominal cost
I agree to Terms and Condition
1. Definitions– InsuredEquipment–NewMobileHandset/Tablets(MobileDevice)/PortableDevicelegallyimportedinIndia,purchasedthroughanofficialchannelsupportedbyavalid proof ofpurchase. Sum Insured – Cost of equipment only as per the purchase invoice including GST Beneficiary–Purchaserofthemobiledeviceasperthepurchaseinvoice.However,beneficiaryofthemobiledevicecanbedirectfamilymembersviz.his/herspouse, children orparents. If the purchaser is a “Company”, beneficiary shall mean any representative / employee of the company authorized to use the mobile device. 2. Cover– One Time Screen Replacement due to Accidental Damage only, subject to Terms and Conditions, definitions and Exclusions as mentioned in Certificate. 3. Conditions– a. Geographical Limit –India b. Policy is nottransferable. c. Policy must be bought within 30 Days from the date of new devicesale. d. In case of Accidental Damage, notify Service Provider within 48 hours from the time damage has takenplace. e. TherequestforchangeinIMEINo./SerialNo.shouldbeintimatedtotheinsurernotlaterthan30daysafterreplacementincaseofDOA/Swap. f. Anycorrection(Spellingmistake)inpolicyholder’snameshouldbeintimatedwithin7daysfromthedateofpolicysalesupportedwithavalididentityproof. g. Policy issued on a reinstatementbasis. 4. Salvage -NA 5. Excess – 2.5% of Claim Value, Minimum Rs.500/- for every claim for total losscases. 6. PartialLoss-Maximum liability shall be cost of screen replacement, subject to policy excess. If the repair cost at the time of loss exceeds the total loss settlement, Claim shall be settled on Total Loss basis under BER (Beyond Economic Repair). If the repair value is more than the net claim payable, i.e. cost of screen replacement, beneficiary has to bear the difference between repair value and approved amount. 7. Depreciation – There will be No Depreciationapplicable. 8. PeriodofRisk-PeriodofRiskshallmeanacontinuousperiodof12monthscommencingfromthedateofpurchaseofprotectionplanfromWideCarebythefirstbuyerof theproduct. 9. Total liability during the tenure of protection plan will be cost of screen replacement only. 10. We provide onsite services for appliances and pick drop facility for digital products during the active plan period. Customers are strictly advised not to take the breakdown unit directly to Authorized Service Centre unless instructed by WideCare personnel. WideCare will not be liable to pay entire repair charges if above instruction is breached as the unit may be tempered in transit and will pay as per their individual repair estimate assessment